Our business

We are a committed investor and develop our companies by supporting them in building permanent and sustainable values. We focus on small- and medium sized private companies in the Nordic and DACH region where we can be an active owner

Committed and experienced employees work at Nalka today


Companies from a wide range of industries grow in our portfolio


Employees work together every day to strengthen our portfolio companies

Our Investment Philosophy

As a committed owner, Nalka relies on its ability to support and develop companies and their strategies in order to strengthen their competitiveness and to create permanent value.

The collaboration with Nalka focussed on long-term value creation, always making sure to uphold and preserve our core values.
John Thomas, CEO EET Europarts
The partnership with Nalka has been a great success in terms of our own development. They are a strong partner that is always committed and ready to support us where needed.
Leif Ryd, Ryds Bilglas
Nalka has been a stable owner with a long-term perspective as well as a dedicated partner to management in the transactions and acquisitions we have made on our Nordic journey.
Joakim Forsell, CEO, Synsam Nordic
Working together with a strong financial owner is reassuring in many ways. Nalka has a great understanding of family-owned companies. At the same time, they continue challenging us to drive growth.
Christian Forsberg, Forsbergs Fritidscenter
The collaboration between Hööks and Nalka works very well. Nalka is represented by a skilled and experienced team of individuals and their competence and network is of great value to Hööks.
Joachim Höök, CEO Hööks
Nalka’s creativity, competence and professionalism was essential for the project to succeed. The end result was highly satisfying for all parties and the partnership was successful in all regards.
Niklas Lindgren, Chairman of Synsam Sweden, Co-Owner of Synsam Nordic As well as former Store Owner

Committed owner

On paper, we are owners. In practice, we are above all your partner. Together we create independent, competitive and long-term profitable companies



Company development is a team sport and we do not want to be spectators. Our role is always active, but shaped to the company's needs. We support our companies both operationally and in strategic matters by contributing capital and expertise to reach our goals.



The road always leads to a stronger company that we build together. We achieve this through initiatives to strengthen the company's profitability and cash flows, as well as by creating a structure and long-term perspective in the company's strategy and vision.



We define and carry out clear initiatives that strengthen the company's competitiveness. Often from 5 to 10 years, but also shorter or longer than that. As long as we are the right partner for the company's situation and future development, we will work together.

Investment Strategy

We invest to support companies in their development, as opposed to only watching them develop. As the main owner or partner, there should always be a clear opportunity for us to actively contribute to the company’s development.

Our origin, operational understanding and long-term capital make us an attractive owner in many situations – not least in family-owned companies.


Responsibility and long-term perspective

Nalka has a responsibility, not only towards co-workers and portfolio companies but also towards customers, suppliers, business partners and society in general. We are convinced that responsibility, long-term perspective, and profitability goes hand in hand. h

Our investments are not solely evaluated on sound financial and commercial criteria, but also based on environmental and social factors, governance and business ethical perspectives and values.

The Nalka ESG process cover the full investment cycle, from screening of new investments, initial due diligence, the ongoing management of portfolio companies and in the end – the divesting of a business.

The most important ESG work is done by our portfolio companies and Nalka’s ambition is to always be an engaged and demanding partner in all our investments.

Investment criteria

You let us play a role

You let us play a role

Majority owner and minority owner are two titles we are equally comfortable with. As long as our role gives us the opportunity to contribute as a committed owner, we are satisfied.

You value financial security

You value financial security

As a capital-strong owner, we seek a long-term sustainable balance between equity and bank financing.

You have a long-term perspective

You have a long-term perspective

A long-term approach to the companies' development, but there is always an opportunity to adapt the ownership period to the situation.

You share our values

You share our values

We are not looking for companies in specific industries. We look for companies where co-owners, company management and other stakeholders share our values ​​and ethical guidelines.

We invest in the Nordic and DACH region

Nalka invests in market-leading small- and medium-sized businesses based in the Nordic and DACH region. We like our companies to have an established presence outside of their home market or a potential to grow beyond their existing markets.

See our investments

Investment Strategy: Mid Cap

  • Companies based in Nordic or DACH region with an established market position.
  • Strong growth potential in or outside its home markets.
  • Led by experienced management teams.
  • Have an EBITA of SEK 100-300m, strong cashflow generation and dividend yield potential.

Investment Strategy: Small Cap

  • Nordic or DACH based companies with a strong service-/product offering.
  • Clearly identified growth opportunities.
  • Profitable companies with an EBITA of SEK 50-100m, that are unable to self-finance an accelerated expansion.
Curious about our heritage and our thinking?
Read more about our heritages

Svensk Markservice

During Nalka’s eight years as owner, the operations grew and saw significant change. Amongst other actions, operations was transformed from a local to a regional structure.
  • Year of Entry: 2010
  • Year of Exit: 2018
  • Turnover (2018): SEK 845m

Synsam Nordic

During Nalkas management, Synsam grew from a voluntary membership organization to the leading Nordic optic chain.
  • Year of Entry: 2007
  • Year of Exit: 2014
  • Revenue 2013: SEK 2.3 Billion

EET Europarts

Through a focused growth strategy, EET Europarts went from primarily working in the Nordics, to a leading European distributor of IT security.
  • Year of Entry: 2010
  • Turnover (2009): DKK 870m
  • Turnover (2014): DKK 1750m

Nordic Modular Group

During Nalka’s ownership period many initiatives focused on growth and expansion outside of Sweden were launched. Amongst other things, focused investments in the Finnish market were made, where a sizable module fleet and customer base were established, contributing to the overall Nordic presence.
  • Year of Entry: 2014
  • Year of Exit: 2018
  • Turnover (2018): SEK 878m

Ryds Bilglas

During Nalka Invest’s ownership period, Ryds Bilglas’ operations was significantly expanded and developed. In January 2018 there were 88 wholly-owned Ryds facilities in Sweden, 16 in Norway and an additional 19 sites operated jointly with Samglas.
  • Year of Entry: 2012
  • Year of Exit: 2017
  • Turnover (2017): SEK 697m